Philanthropy New Zealand | Tōpūtanga Tuku Aroha Aotearoa (PNZ) is the peak body for philanthropists, grantmakers, investors, and other types of funders.
Please note we are not a funding organisation.
Looking for funding?
Check out the following resources:
Match | Te Puna Taurite was shut down on Thursday 31st August 2023. You can read Philanthropy New Zealand's blog post on the closure here.
Fundraising Institute of New Zealand (FINZ) is the professional body that represents fundraising in New Zealand with a mission to provide the best educational events to lead and educate fundraisers, develop standards of practice and advocate for the value of fundraising.
Generosity New Zealand provides a searchable digital database of NZ funders. givUS offers access to grants and schemes for communities, volunteer organisations, schools, groups, sport clubs and Iwi. This is often available free through public libraries.
Hui E! is a peak body organisation for the tangata whenua, community and voluntary sector in Aotearoa New Zealand. It celebrates the sector’s contribution to our communities, advocates for its needs, provides capacity and capability building, networking support, and represent its interests with the government and philanthropic sectors. The Hoa Pūtea Moni Grant Writing Support programme matches skilled volunteers with community organisations that need support to apply for grants and funding.
Strategic Grants is the unique provider of all things grants in New Zealand and Australia, supporting hundreds of for-purpose organisations of all sizes to establish sustainable, cost-effective grant-seeking strategies. A mission driven company of fundraising professionals, Strategic Grants provides grants support with customised grants calendars and the Grants Expertise Management Systems (GEMS), as well as workshops, online training, advisory services, application writing and critiquing, and free educational resources for grant-seekers.
PNZ offers a community membership for a sneak peek into the philanthropic sector. See here for more details.