Philanthropy News
Our magazine, Philanthropy News, contains stories, information, case studies and in-depth articles that are relevant to New Zealand philanthropists, grantmakers and those with an interest in the funding sector.
While our magazine is typically exclusive to members, we understand the importance of giving you a glimpse into our content. We're excited to share Funding our planet’s future, a special climate edition with you - , so you can experience what our members enjoy. Climate change is the sole focus of this edition of Philanthropy News. We are delighted to share with you 11 unique articles highlighting not just the urgency of addressing climate change but also the amazing mahi happening by many in the philanthropy sector in Aotearoa New Zealand to combat it. PDF version of Issue 91.
See below for three previous issues of Philanthropy News. If you wish to see other back issues, contact us to discuss becoming a member. Philanthropy New Zealand | Tо̄pūtanga Tuku Aroha o Aotearoa funder members also have access to all back issues in the our
Members’ hub.
Please note that there is an error in Philanthropy News edition #90 regarding the photography credit. It should be as follows: Photography credit: Heather Milne - Page 4 Taskforce Kiwi
Philanthropy News.
Issue 86 - August 2022
The Pasifika Funders’ Network lead this edition to share their collective aspirations, experiences, learnings and requests for change. PDF version of Issue 86.
Philanthropy News.
Issue 82 - April 2021
Borrowing the theme from the 2021 Philanthropy Summit of Amplifying community aspirations – Te whakarahinga wawata ā-hapori. PDF version of Issue 82.
Philanthropy News.
Issue 81 - Nov 2020
We asked contributors what messages they wanted to give philanthropic funders and grantmakers. PDF version of Issue 81.