PNZ Submission on the Treaty Principles Bill
PNZ made a written submission to the Justice Select Committee on the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill (“the Bill”). Our submission focused on the importance of having a national conversation about our constitutional arrangements, concerns about the process that had been followed in both developing the bill policy and the legislative process – which has resulted in damage to race relations and social cohesion, limited ability for submitters to write their submissions and consult with members and stakeholders, and an undermining of the Crown’s relationship with Māori and corresponding risk of damage to its ability to progress its own policy priorities and targets. We also analysed how the process and policy met the stated Bill objectives, and shared stories from PNZ members about how they are working with iwi, hapu and communities to support Māori aspirations, wellbeing and development.
End of year message for PNZ members from Rahul Watson-Govindan
Read the Chief Executive’s message from the latest edition of our e-newsletter Giving Matters.
CE fortnightly message October 31
Read the Chief Executive’s message from the latest edition of our e-newsletter Giving Matters.
Children’s University: A ‘Passport to Learning’
Thank you to Rātā Foundation for providing this media release
PNZ’s Key points for the Long-term Insights Briefing consultation
Philanthropy New Zealand recently made a submission to the Public Services Commission on their Long-term Insights Briefing consultation – which was asking key questions about how the public service needs to change to respond to the challenges of the future.
Empowering partners and communities toward self-reliance
We spoke with ChildFund New Zealand’s Programme Manager Matt Fowler for an international lens on working with community partners towards self-reliance internationally.