Our team
The Philanthropy New Zealand | Tōpūtanga Tuku Aroha o Aotearoa team consists of part and full time staff, our Board, We are advised by our Kaumātua, Youth In Philanthropy Group and our partners and supporters.
Rahul Watson Govindan – Chief Executive
Rahul comes to PNZ having had a diverse international executive career in the corporate, public sector, community and startup worlds. His expertise lies in corporate strategy, investment, organisational design and performance. He also holds various governance and advisory positions in both commercial and community sectors.
Gin Mabey – Head of Events and Member Engagement
She moved to Wellington from Tauranga last year to do her Masters in Scriptwriting and sought out a role where she could lend a hand to the people making a difference in communities across Aotearoa New Zealand.
Gin is thrilled to be taking over this role and already loves being part of the amazing and welcoming team.
Mei Schoenbrunn-Nojima –Communications and Marketing Advisor
Mei is currently studying a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Marketing and International Business at Victoria University. Her passion lies in the interconnected nature of the global business environment, understanding various cultural nuances and leveraging that insight to foster innovative, and inclusive practices.
In her free time Mei studies German, Japanese and is currently learning how to play the piano.
Eva Hartshorn-Sanders – Director of Policy and Advocacy
Eva Hartshorn-Sanders is the Director of Policy and Advocacy at Philanthropy New Zealand. Her career includes time working in Government, NGOs and the private sector in New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the USA, and for the UN. She is motivated by social and economic impact and has spent her career working in partnership with teams and organisations to achieve significant progress on policy and law reform. She has also spent a life volunteering, including governance roles for philanthropic organisations that support women in education and work.
Carolyn Brooke – Senior Strategic Communications Advisor
Carolyn brings to the team 16 years of journalism, communications and engagement experience that includes eight years within the NGO sector along with corporate communications.
Having seen first hand the positive difference that funding partnerships can make for communities in the Pacific and Africa during her time at ChildFund New Zealand, Carolyn is now excited about playing a part in the amazing mahi happening here in Aotearoa.
Nicole Hancock – Business Operations Support
Nicole is currently completing a Bachelor of Science majoring in Development Studies and Physical Geography at Victoria University, alongside the Wellington International Leadership Programme. She is keen to support PNZ through her role as their strategy aligns with her passion to create positive change in our communities. Nicole competes at a high level in hockey, and enjoys planning her next adventure to explore Aotearoa.
Our Board
Seumas Fantham – Chairperson
Seumas (Ngāti Porou/Whakatōhea) is Executive Director at the Todd Foundation.
He has over 20 years’ experience working with young people and community groups and holds a degree in Education and Sociology. He is a current Board member of Philanthropy New Zealand and Te Muka Rau.
Jeremy Faumuinā –Motivational Speaker and Public Relations Consultant
With over 25 years of experience in the youth and community sector, Jeremy possesses a keen understanding of how to foster and nurture relationships, known as teu le vā. This understanding enables me to collaborate effectively across various sectors, including businesses, philanthropic, nonprofits, government agencies, community groups, board groups, and families. Currently, he proudly serves Aotearoa as a Social Worker with the New Zealand Police, dedicated to making a positive impact in our communities.
Arron Perriam – Executive Director, Community Foundations Of Aotearoa
Arron Perriam is the Executive Director for Community Foundations of Aotearoa NZ. With Rongowhakaata whakapapa, he is innately innovative and creative—this is the way of his people. As a leader and board member, Arron values others and encourages them to bring their full selves to whatever they are doing in an authentic way. In addition to contributing to the journey of Philanthropy NZ, he currently serves on the boards of The Salvation Army NZ/Fiji/Tonga/Samoa, Kidsfirst Kindergartens South Island, and the Mentoring Foundation of NZ.
Arron believes in the importance and power of equity, unique genius and self-expression, achieving clarity of purpose, creating cunning strategies that work, and together doing something transformational. To him, success is grounded in family/whānau and meaningful connections with others. Where is he most at home? Out exploring the original cathedral in the hills of the wonderful natural world, discussing ideas, and being around home with his 6 mokopuna and whānau.
Pulotu Tupe Solomon-Tanoa’i – Deputy Chairperson
Pulotu Tupe Solomon-Tanoa’i is a Samoan/Fijian New Zealander with a passion for social justice. She is the Chief Philanthropic Officer of the Borrin Foundation which funds legal research, scholarship, and education in its strategic focus areas of the criminal justice system and family law.
Pulotu Tupe has worked on a range of trade, economic, and policy issues in the public sector, and worked on development cooperation in the Pacific. She is also an advocate for diversity and inclusion, has produced a webseries on unconscious bias, and hosts a chat show highlighting Pasifika success.
Maria Ramsay –CEO, Toi Foundation
With over 18 years’ experience in philanthropy, Maria is the Toi Foundation and Toi Foundation Holdings Ltd Chief Executive.
The Foundation is one of 12 Community Trust’s in Aotearoa and the Foundation’s Purpose is to Build a Thriving Inclusive and Equitable Taranaki.
Maria’s background is in the health sector and she is also a Board Member of Hospice Taranaki Incorporated, Taranaki Mounga Project, and a Community Mentor with a community mentoring scheme run through Venture Taranaki.
Liam Sheridan –Head of foundation services at Foundation North
Liam Sheridan is the Head of Foundation Services at Foundation North, responsible for shared services, IT, legal, property and risk. Liam has worked at the Foundation for eight years. His background is in accountancy, he has qualifications in mathematics and accounting, he is a member of Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand and he has worked as a management accountant, internal and external auditor and pricing analyst. Liam looks forward to seeing a different perspective of philanthropy from the PNZ Board table and to learning and hopefully sharing his knowledge during his time on the Board.
Whaea Peggy Luke-Ngaheke – Te Āti Awa’s representative.
Mana whenua Te Āti Awa have a seat on the PNZ Board. Whaea Peggy Luke-Ngaheke is Te Āti Awa’s representative.
Peggy is of Te Āti Awa descent and is Manager of the Waiwhetu Marae. She has a long background in education and counselling and is a qualified Alcohol and Drug Counsellor. She served 16 years working for Te Kōhanga Reo Trust Board Head office as Manager of Ikaroa and Manager of Operations.
She provides advisory/cultural services to a number of organisations including DAPPANZ,NZQA, Oranga Tamariki and other government departments. Peggy represents Te Rūnanga on the Board of Te Awa Kairangi Primary Health Organisation and Kahungunu Whānau Services.
Rose Challies – CEO, Terra Nova Foundation
Rose is a trustee of Seed the Change, CEO of the Terra Nova Foundation and a NEXT Foundation Fellow. She has led on social and environmental impact for over 20 years, driving major change initiatives in the UK and Europe. She has also advised philanthropic organisations and for-purpose leaders nationally and internationally on change leadership, strategic philanthropy and impact measurement.
Rose has a deep connection with the earth and is passionate about philanthropy’s role in achieving wise, taiao/earth-grounded change for our future.
Lotima Vaioleti Community & Māori Liaison Advisor – Kaitakawaenga for BayTrust
PNZ is guided by our Kaumātua
Pekaira Rei
Pekaira Rei (Ngā Ruahine-i-te-rangi, Te Āti Awa, Taranaki Iwi, Ngā Rauru Kiitahi, Te Āti Haunui-ā-Pāpārangi, Taranaki Whānui-ki-te-Upoko-o-te-Ika and Te Atiawa-ki-te-Waka-a-Maui), is a Reo and History facilitator in the Wellington region for Te Reo o Taranaki, and Out of Office Support Parliamentary Services for Te Tai Hau-ā-Ūru MP, Adrian Rurawhe.
The Philanthropy New Zealand Kaumātua role is one of a cultural safety net, the cornerstone of working towards building and strengthening relationships with Mana Whenua throughout Aotearoa in the philanthropic world.
Pekaira’s interests include martial arts, iwi support work, her children and grandchildren.
The PNZ Board is guided by our Youth Advisory Group
Youth in philanthropy
Philanthropy New Zealand’s Youth in philanthropy (YIP) was established in 2016. It has been created to address ways the philanthropic and grantmaking sector can support, engage and include youth in all levels of decision making.
YAG is a group of under-35s who are influencers in their field of work and have a connection or passion within the philanthropy sector.
We would like to thank the Wayne Francis Charitable Trust who is supporting the work of the Youth Advisory Group
Helen Anderson, Wellington
Helen grew up in Whangarei and now lives in Wellington. She has degrees in Film, Psychology, and Criminology, and developed a passion for supporting the community sector while studying. This led her to work for JustSpeak, the Diana Unwin Chair in Restorative Justice, Inspiring Stories, and in 2013 Helen co-founded Film for Change Aotearoa, a volunteer collective who believe in filmmaking for a fairer world.
Helen started her philanthropic career working for the J R McKenzie Trust in 2017. Helen is now the Grants Lead and Project Manager for the Vodafone New Zealand Foundation. She contracts to the J R McKenzie Trust and is on the board of the Frozen Funds Charitable Trust. In her spare time Helen pats cats, gardens, Chair's the Governance Board of Film for Change Aotearoa, and volunteers her filmmaking skills with Wellington charities. “I’m stoked to be on the Youth in Philanthropy Group, and not just because it’s flattering to still be counted as a young person. I hope we can foster more tuakana teina learning opportunities in the sector.”
Jackson Lacy, Wellington
Jackson is the Operations Coordinator for The Gift Trust, running and improving the systems that help them make good happen. His professional background is in graphic design, local government, and for-purpose governance. He sees YAG as an important driver of systems change in the philanthropic sector, and is excited to be contributing to its work.
Jackson has a BA in Māori Resource Management from Te Herenga Waka, and is currently pursuing his Master's of Indigenous Studies there. He enjoys cooking, playing guitar and piano, and solving problems. He uri ia nō Te Tauihu o Te-Waka-a-Māui.
Oli Malthus, Wellington
Oli is the Scholarships and Engagement Associate at the Michael and Suzanne Borrin Foundation. In this role he runs the individual funding programme and provides support through his social media, website, and other communications related responsibilities.
After graduating from Massey University with a degree in Communications, Oli spent time in public-facing roles at the New Zealand Business & Parliament Trust, MetService | Te Ratonga Tirorangi, and Te Papa Tongarewa before joining the team at the Borrin Foundation and subsequently becoming a member of YIP.
In his spare time, Oli practices Jiu Jitsu, supports his hometown team the Wellington Phoenix, and spends time with his friends and whānau.
Lotima Vaioleti, Tauranga
Lotima is the Community & Māori Liaison Advisor – Kaitakawaenga for BayTrust. His whakapapa extends to Ngati Porou, Te Whānau-ā-Apanui, Ngai Te Rangi, NgāPuhi, and Te Kingitanga o Tonga. In his capacity, he oversees Granting functions, community engagement, drives strategy development and engagement initiatives for Māori and youth, supports research and evaluation efforts, and manages communication-related responsibilities.
After obtaining a Bachelor of Management Studies and a Diploma in Te Tohu Paetahi from the University of Waikato, Lotima joined BayTrust, building on his diverse industry experience, previously working for Rauawaawa Kaumatua Charitable Trust and the University of Waikato. Currently, he is a member of YAG, Te Kāhui Pūmanwa, Pasifika Funders Network, and serves as an observer on the PNZ board.
He enjoys engaging in lively discussions on various topics, such as philosophies, concepts, and perspectives.