Why join us?
Philanthropy New Zealand | Tōpūtanga Tuku Aroha Aotearoa (PNZ) is the peak body for philanthropists, grantmakers, investors, and other types of funders, dedicated to growing effective giving.
As a funder member of PNZ you will have the opportunity to:
“PNZ has helped connect us with potential collaborative partners, worked with us on issues around transparency and given us access to new thinking, ideas and challenges from Aotearoa and around the world.
The personal support provided has also been invaluable.”
Connect and build relationships with like minds to support you in your role
Access the latest news, insights and resources to support your giving
Meet and share your experience with others who give
Build your skills and knowledge base of best practice philanthropy and subject matter expertise
Hear from local and international leaders in the field
Receive individual help or referrals to those who can best advise you
Be represented in policy fora with Government representatives and have input into PNZ submissions
Be informed on Government consultations, updates and information of relevance to funders (via a centralised policy and research scanning service)
Be included in sector research (for example Covid funding research)
Receive discounts on relevant products and services
Have a voice and a vote at PNZ’s AGM.
Membership benefits for philanthropists, grantmakers, investors, and other funders:
Professional development and training – Delivered by leading speakers at online or face-to-face seminars and in resources about topics such as grantmaking, governance and increasing your understanding of Te Ao Māori. We offer a mix of free services and those that carry a fee.
Where we charge, funder members receive preferential booking and a 30% discount.
Funder Networks – Connect with like-minded people in roles and organisations similar to your own. Exchange information, share experiences and build partnerships.
Active PNZ funder networks include:
Education Funders’ Network (collaboration with MOE)
Youth Funders’ Network
Regional Funders’ networks (Auckland and Wellington)
Participation in networks is free and available to funder members only.
Conference – PNZ’s annual philanthropy conference brings together funders and sector stakeholders from across Aotearoa New Zealand to hear from local and international thought leaders, leading grantmakers and philanthropists and those working in fields such as social enterprise, community-led development and social justice.
Funder members receive preferential booking and 30% discount.
Giving Matters – our weekly member e-newsletter packed with resources, events and news from the sector.
Philanthropy News – our member magazine published three times a year with in-depth articles from thought leaders.
Members’ Hub – a private online space for funders via our website with resources, details on member discounts and the ability to share in forum discussions with other funder members.
Member discounts – on relevant goods and services including international philanthropic publications (Stanford Social Innovation Review and Alliance magazine), Do Good Jobs recruitment advertising and OfficeMax stationery.
PNZ Funder Facebook group – private to funder members, a place to share and chat.
See here for our list of current funder members.
Interested in joining us?
Contact Gin, Head of Events and Member Engagement, here to discuss the benefits of funder membership.
You may still like to join PNZ on a streamlined membership even if you’re not a grantmaker, philanthropist or other type of funder, to keep abreast of developments in the philanthropic sector and gain an understanding of the key players, funding priorities, the impact of funding, and topical issues.
Community membership
For interested non-profit and for purpose organisations.
Please note that our services are primarily focused on our funder members. Becoming a community member will not necessarily connect you directly with funders, nor do we offer funding.
As a community member of PNZ you will receive:
Giving Matters – our weekly member e-newsletter packed with resources, events and news from the philanthropic sector.
Philanthropy News – our member magazine published three times a year with in-depth articles from thought leaders, sent as a pdf.
Member discounts – on relevant goods and services like international philanthropic publications, Do Good Jobs recruitment advertising, OfficeMax stationery and strategic grant consultancy services.
Community membership is $337 +gst annually.
Friends of philanthropy
For interested stakeholders within government and the corporate world, consultants, generosity schemes and reciprocal members.
As a friend of PNZ you will receive:
Giving Matters – our weekly member e-newsletter packed with resources, events and news from the philanthropic sector.
Philanthropy News – our member magazine published three times a year with in-depth articles from thought leaders, sent as a pdf.
Member discounts – on relevant PNZ events like the annual philanthropy conference (30%), and other goods and services, like international philanthropic publications, Do Good Jobs recruitment advertising, and strategic grant consultancy services.
Friend of philanthropy fees:
Individuals and small businesses $ 441 +gst annually
Government $1,103 +gst annually
Corporate $2,756 +gst annually
Contact Gin, Relationships and Events Coordinator, here if you are interested in becoming a friend or community member.