PNZ STORIES on climate action
Don't wait - act
A Q&A with the Climate Change Commission’s board chair Dr Rod Carr.
Philanthropy News, November 2021
Opportunities to support our transition to a climate resilient future
Hon James Shaw, Minister for Climate Change writes about our current climate situation in Aotearoa New Zealand and what government action is being taken to tackle climate change.
Philanthropy News, November 2021
Regenerating the Puhinui Stream catchment and its people
By the Sustainable Business Network, with input and endorsement from Te Waiohua iwi representatives and Auckland Council staff from Healthy Waters and Eke Panuku.
Philanthropy News, November 2021
Trust Waikato – a funder’s response to climate change
Trust Waikato Chief Executive Dennis Turton outlines the global commitment Aotearoa New Zealand has made to climate change mitigation, and how this community trust is playing its part.
Philanthropy News, November 2021
The Gift Trust bucks the trend in environmental funding
By Cheryl Spain, Executive Director.
Philanthropy News, November 2021
Sustainable planet
CEO of Predator Free 2050 Ltd Abbie Reynolds was a speaker at the workshop Sustainable planet during the Philanthropy Summit 2021. The workshop offered inspiration and advice on maximising your funding into climate change alleviation.
Philanthropy News July 2021